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Holi – A Festival Of Colours


Holi, the festival of colours is one of the most celebrated festivals of our country. This festival is celebrated in March with great zeal and enthusiasm. Those celebrating it, wait eagerly for its commencement and savouring the delectable dishes.

Essence of Holi

The main essence of this festival lies in spreading happiness and letting go of the feeling of revenge or any negative feeling for that matter. Forgetting enmities and troubles in one’s life, people celebrate it rubbing colours on each other’s face immersed in the festive spirit.


The history of this festival dates back to the time when a powerful king named Hiranykashyap had a blessing from Lord Brahma wherein nobody on this planet could kill him. Not human beings, not the animals- nobody!! As a result of this humungous blessing, he turned super arrogant and began to preach to the people of his kingdom to worship him instead of God. The king had a son named Prahlad and a sister named Holika. His son was completely against him and his orders of worshipping him instead of God as he was a big devotee of the almighty.

As a result of his revolt, the king decided to get his son killed whilst planning that his sister would take his son in her lap and sit in the fire. His sister got burnt but Prahlad wasn’t injured or burnt even a bit, he came out of the fire unabashed because of his devotion, shocking the father. This is taken as a conclusion for the fact that Good always wins over evil!! Hence, the celebration of Holi festival becomes more pious and meaningful.

The actual Celebrations

The festival of Holi is celebrated with great fervour and excitement, especially in North India. Here,  a night before Holi people gather piles of wood and burn them to symbolize the rise of evil over good, revising the story of Hiranyakashyap and his sister Holika. They circle the lit bonfire and seek blessings as well as having some sweet delicacies.

The next day is rather special and full of joy as its time to celebrate with colours and even water. People gather around with their family, friends and in their residential areas to celebrate Holi with everyone. There are colours all over, water splashing through pichkari’s all around. It’s the day when adults become children.

Finally, in the evening, everyone bathes and gets ready, cleaning around all the mess and hence sitting down to having the Indian delicacies made especially for a fun day like this. The most famous amongst all is the Gujiyas which kids and adults relish a lot.


Concluding we can say that Holi is the celebration of brotherhood, joy and erasing of enmity amongst one another. All of the community comes together for the celebration of this joyous festivity just to enjoy and revisit the actual meaning of Life.

Zipzap wishes all of you a very colourful and happy Holi!

Play Safe And Stay Safe.

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