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Gaming PC System – A Simple Gaming PC To Modern Day Gaming Machine


Advancements in computer and technology has changed a lot in around 30-40 decades as it hasn’t only revolutionized science but a lot more things. Earlier board games, card games and sports used to rule the gaming world. Revolution in computer world also gave birth to the passion of gaming in people. In around early 80’s, there was gaming offered only by major consoles from big companies such as attari, nitendo and sega. Consoles such Nitendo’s NES and SNES, Sega’s Genesis, Attari’s 2600 were the early consoles that helped made gaming industries to touch the worth of billion dollars bench mark across the world. Watching the rise of people interest in gaming, IBM offered playing games in its pc systems to the public. This brings the idea of gaming through pc systems and many other companies also started to invest into this idea. This bought revolution in the custom gaming PC industry across the globe.


In 1950, a game playing machine, which was called as Bertie the Brain was introduced by Josef Kates. But Micro-computers and micro-processors started the gaming era in personal pc systems. Early games that were introduced in computer gaming were OXO and Spacewar. These games were text-based adventures and interaction fiction. But these games were not much of the graphic oriented. Then, with the introduction of games like The Bard’s Tale and Pool Of Radiance combined basic graphics with textual commands. In 1980’s, arcade games like space invaders and pac man were one of the most liked and sold games.

Crash Of Gaming Industry

Because of the gaming on pc system, there was a huge crash for the console gaming industry as they saw a huge overall decline as many people and investors lost their interest into this industry.

Then, Japanese gaming console company Nitendo came up with NES (Nitendo Entertainment System) which ruled gaming industry of North America and Japan. But on the other side, in Europe, Gaming pc were on trend.

Late 1980’s saw 16 bit era of gaming where Atari ST and Commodore Amiga were on trend in Europe and Japan saw the trending of games like X680000, FM Towns and The Amiga as they were having improved graphics and better sound quality.

IBM Gaming PC

IBM was one of the first company that introduced gaming into the pc systems in 1981. They brought Microsoft Adventure which was the first fantasy game of treasures and caves. At that time, because of the gaming speed of the system, Microsoft Flight Simulator and Microsoft Adventure were amongst the best sold games. At that time, people also started to buy powerful business computers which were quite expensive.

Many other companies came up and started making their pc systems. These companies were mainly Asian and Americans. This led to decline in the prices of computer games. This led to the popularity of pc gaming as many people started to buy custom gaming pc. This improved the systems with enhanced sound and graphics performance with built-in joysticks. DOS systems ruled the home computer industry.

Effect Of Console Gaming

Nitendo, a Japanese Gaming Console company, gained popularity in 1988 and affected gaming in computer industry. Many computer games making companies got shifted into console gaming manufacturing. The revenue of the console game reached nearly 12 times that of the computer games revenue as console game revenue were around $5.9 billion and net revenue of computer games were around $430 million.

This led to use of VGA graphics in computer games. But they used EGA graphics with VGA graphic card in actual. Many PC manufacturing companies improved their sound systems and high quality displays. Also many companies started to offer computer mouse, which was highly accepted by the customers.

When FM synthesis sound systems were introduced, further betterment of game artwork and audio was seen. Yamaha was one of the big and earliest company to build FM synthesis sound system. NEC and FM7 later build FM sound into their pc systems. In 1992, companies started to use PCM sound into their systems which was more advanced and was of high quality.

1996, saw the introduction of 3D console games such as Super Mario 64 and Tomb Raider. This introduction again set a trend of 3D gaming. Computer systems companies then had to start thinking about the hardware that support 3D graphics in the computer systems.

Improvement In Computer Gaming

3D gaming led to the several improvements in the hardware of pc systems. Better graphics accelerators and faster CPU improved graphics of the computer games. ATI’S Radeon R300 and NVidia’s GeForce 6 series gave chance to the game developers to make more complex and realistic graphic games. Unreal engine became popular among the game developers to design more realistic graphical games. City of Villains and Tom Clancy’s Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter were one of the games to use Havok Physics Engine as this gaming design tool was the most advance and efficient for designing the best 3D games possible.

Many developers from several countries such as Poland, China, European and several other came up to design high quality graphic computer games.

Many gaming developers found more openness, flexibility, innovation and reduced cost to develop computer games instead of console games. Computer game developers had more access to modify and innovate the games. Many gaming digital distribution services like Valve, Origin and many others offered a platform to their pc gaming customers for buying games through their portal. Then, this trend saw the rise of other digital distribution services like Amazon Digital Services, GameStop, GFWL, EA Sports, Direct2Drive, and GamerGate.

But on the other hand, it led to increase the hardware cost of the gaming pc and reduction of security as, more cases of piracy and cheating started coming up.

Modern Hardware

Modern top custom gaming pc machine requires fast CPU (Central Processing Unit), heavy graphic card and GPU (Graphic Processing Unit), high contrast display, RGB gaming mouse and mechanical keyboard, high voltage power supply, best in class cooling space, more HDD and SSD storage with highly efficient RAMs. All these hardware components come with an expensive price tag.

As there is continuous improvement in graphics and visuals, there is a constant need for the upgradation of hardware components like graphic card, processor, RAM etc.

There are a lot of companies that offers the required gaming pc hardware and accessories like gaming headphones, game pads, joy sticks and several others.


ZipZap computers is one of the most reputed shop for all your hardware and gaming pc system requirements. If you need top custom gaming PC, laptops and computers, then zipzap computers is a store for you. Here you will get best custom gaming pc prices and a wide range of pre build gaming pc. We offer best Processors and computer/laptop parts prices to our customers. We also deals in mini projectors, servers, projector screen, CCTV and IP cameras and several other modern hardwares. WE have best of the laptop brands like Dell, HP, Lenovo, Asus etc.

Just search Gaming computer shop near me or best gaming laptop store in Amritsar to get in touch with us.

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